Saturday, August 22, 2009

To trek or not to trek?

So my recent dilemma is this: do I eschew much of my clothing and luxury items in my pack for backpacking equipment such as a tent, sleeping bag and the like? or do I forget all that gear and cram as much useless and boring t-shirts and shoes into my pack as possible? I think I shall go with the former and take a new attitude with this trip. I will bring these supplies for one reason: to live the life of a nomad, carrying my home on my back as I visit the Atacama desert, the Callejon de Huaylas mountain range and hopefully even Patagonia! I am inspired by my good friend Marcus Trucco is currently riding his bicycle from Portland, Oregon to Portland Maine. I have so enjoyed reading about his solo travels that I feel the need to do something similar but with my own style. I hope to travel by bus and live on the cheap so that I will both save money and live simply. I don't know what may come of these exploits but we shall see. I will be leaving this country in just 18 DAYS!!! More to come. Until then...I must go see some really good concerts at Red Rocks.
Chao- James

1 comment:

Red said...

Thanks for the shout out James! I support your decision to live out of your backpack in Patagonia...that's going to be EPIC! I'm really excited for you and hope you have an amazing trip, I will be following along the whole time.

Stay well,